Alarcón-Jiménez, AM; Pasalodos Jiménez, R; Díaz-Andreu, M.
Ethnohistorical Sources in Archaeoacoustics Research: A Case Study from South-Central California
Alarcón-Jiménez, AM
Territorios Fronterizos
Un nuevo mundo sonoro: el Festival Internacional do Mundo Celta de Ortigueira
A Glimpse behind Closed Doors. Alfred L. Kroeber and the Representation of Native Californian Music
Mapping with/in: Hearing Power in Yokuts Landscapes at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Pasalodos Jiménez, R; Alarcón-Jiménez, AM; Santos da Rosa, N; Díaz-Andreu, M.
Los sonidos de la Prehistoria: Reflexiones en torno a las evidencias de prácticas musicales del paleolítico y el neolítico en Eurasia
Alarcón, X; Alarcón-Jiménez, AM; Rodríguez, L.
INTIMAL: Relational listening that unknowingly prepared us for the COVID-19 pandemicowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era
Alarcón-Jiménez, AM. And Coltofean, L.
An Epilogue Transformed: Interacting with Heritage during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Festivales, encuentros y desencuentros: Los nuevos lugares de la música en el siglo XX
Spatializing Galician Music at the International Festival of the Celtic World of Ortigueira
Entre lo folclórico y lo popular: Shima-Uta, una canción de inspiración Okinawense en Argentina
"Shima-Uta”: Of Windows, Mirrors, and the Adventures of a Traveling Song
Descarga ao Vivo Unha experiencia auditiva e colectiva (in the Galician language)
Thinking from Bogota, Colombia
Soundscape: Two Points of Reflection
In-Discipline: Talks from the European Side
Doing Fieldwork in Colombia
Alarcón-Jiménez, AM with Luis Tabuenca and Wade Matthews
Punto Cero Aragón
Alarcón-Jiménez, AM with ACentral Folque and Kepa Junkera